Sep 20 2018 TEKLA LAUNCHES INTERACTIVE USER GUIDE FOR METSEC SYSTEMS An interactive user guide to using Metsec cold-rolled systems within Tekla Structures BIM software has been launched. The step-by-step guide will help draughtsmen and engineers to instantly access help, saving time and money at the vital early stages of construction projects. Dan Hickman, Drawing Office Manager, Purlins and Framing, at voestalpine Metsec plc, said: “We have worked with our customers over many years to streamline and simplify macros, speeding the detailing process both externally and internally. “Our simple, effective system is easy to understand and detail, but for new users, Tekla’s new step-by-step help guide will direct them through each macro. “Manufacturing details can then be easily extracted and transferred electronically, and our software and experienced detailers will check this information prior to issue to production and flag any issues back to the customer, meaning less modifications on site.” For more details, contact Rob Marsh, Commercial Manager, voestalpine Metsec – Middle East GCC –